quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2014


«Good regulation is a good thing. It protects consumers, employees and the environment, it helps build a more fair society and can even save lives. But over the years, regulations – and the inspections and bureaucracy that go with them – have piled up and up. This has hurt business, doing real damage to our economy. And it’s done harm to our society too. When people are confronted by a raft of regulations whenever they try to volunteer or play a bigger part in their neighbourhood, they begin to think they shouldn’t bother.
If we want to reverse this trend and encourage greater responsibility in our society, then we have got to trust people and give them more freedom to do the right thing». Saiba mais.

terça-feira, 11 de março de 2014

«New Pact for Europe»


Geneva, Switzerland, 11 March 2014 – The World Economic Forum announced today the new members selected to join the Forum of Young Global Leaders. The 214 exceptional young individuals have been recognized for their achievements and contribution to society.

The Young Global Leaders (YGLs) come from diverse backgrounds and bring a range of expertise to the community from across the world. Over 50% of the new intake are women, half come from the private sector and half from the public sector, including academia, arts and culture, civil society, government, media and not-for-profit organizations.
For the full release and supporting information, please visit:

quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014


"O mundo não seria tão belo, nem a vida cheia de fé, nem haveria ninguém com um sorriso no rosto, se não existisse a mulher."

A aeiscal convida a todos para participar da "MARATONA DE VOLEIBOL" para celebrar o dia internacional da mulher, monte suas equipas e compareça no dia 8 de Março às 21h no pavilhão 2 da cidade universitária. A inscrição é realizada na AE do iscal no valor de 14 euros por equipa. Prestigie!!

«UN Women Executive Director: International Women's Day 2014»

«On the occasion of International Women's Day 2014 - celebrated on March 8 around the world - UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka stresses that "progress for women is progress for all." Celebrating progress already made for women's rights, women's empowerment and gender equality, she further urged women, men, youth, and leaders of nations, communities, religion and commerce to recommit to making gender equality a global reality». Saiba mais.

DIA INTERNACIONAL DAS MULHERES 2014 | Iniciativas no âmbito do 8 MARÇO 2014

Se quer saber de iniciativas no âmbito do 8 março 2014 visite o Blogue EM CADA ROSTO IGUALDADE.

segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014


O 3AP e a AEISCAL, no âmbito de um trabalho académico, da UC Siap, decidiram assinalar em conjunto o DIA INTERNACIONAL DAS MULHERES que se comemora no DIA 8 de MARÇO. As mensagens que neste blogue vamos divulgar durante esta semana fazem parte disso mesmo. Passa palavra!