«Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Auditoria» foi o que esteve na agenda do Simpósio, da SAIs, que teve lugar nos passados dias de 2 a 4 em Viena - Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). Com mais rigor, a designação exacta: "UN Post-2015 Development Agenda: the Role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and Means of Implementation for Sustainable Development". Do que se escreveu:
«This topic reflects a growing recognition of the necessity of involving SAIs in the national implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Given their independence, professionalism and reliability, SAIs are uniquely positioned to serve the public by promoting effective public governance, increasing the efficiency of public administration, improving development outcomes and promoting trust in government. In terms of national implementation, SAIs have a very important oversight role to play». +
E das conclusões e recomendações:
«As a result of the intensive discussions, the participants of the Symposium
1. Underline the importance of the following numerous and diverse expectations
of development partners in SAIs and INTOSAI:
a. Citizens regard SAIs as credible institutions and expect SAIs to provide
valuable information on service delivery, thereby expecting the SAIs to
report in easy-to-read and accessible reports relevant information and
independent findings on the efficiency, accountability, effectiveness and
transparency of public administration and a fair view of the financial
situation of the state.
b. Parliaments (Legislative Bodies) expect timely, independent, objective
and reliable information as to the efficiency of revenue collection and the
economic, effective and efficient use of public funds, with particular
regard to the Sustainable Development Goals, including pro-active
follow-up of SDGs.
c. Governments expect SAIs to report in a balanced manner and to address
the Sustainable Development Goals in the framework of their audits, and
to issue strong recommendations on the efficient and effective
implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals». Continue.
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