quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2016

PATRICK DUNLEAVY | LEANDRO CARRERA | «Growing the Productivity of Government Services»

«Growing the Productivity of Government Services
Patrick Dunleavy, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and Leandro Carrera, Pensions Policy Institute, King’s College, UK
Productivity is essentially the ratio of an organization’s outputs divided by its inputs. For many years it was treated as always being static in government agencies. In fact productivity in government services should be rising rapidly as a result of digital changes and new management approaches, and it has done so in some agencies. However, Dunleavy and Carrera show for the first time how complex are the factors affecting productivity growth in government organizations – especially management practices, use of IT, organizational culture, strategic mis-decisions and political and policy churn».

Para o novo ciclo político e, nomeadamente, no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Reformas, é sempre bom ter presente a literatura que existe. Lembrá-mo-nos do livro da imagem.

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