Da Apresentação:
Governments can help to open up systems to innovation. They can create an innovation-friendly
climate that encourages transformative ideas to flourish on the ground, both
by fostering innovation within the system and by creating opportunities for outside
innovations to come in. They can help strengthen professional autonomy and a
collaborative culture where great ideas are shared and refined. Governments can help
to make great ideas real by providing access to funding and non-financial support to
lift those ideas into action. Not least, governments can build incentives and signals that
strengthen the visibility and demand for what demonstrably works.
But governments can only do so much. Silicon Valley works because governments
have created the conditions for innovation, not because they do the innovation.
Similarly, governments cannot innovate in classrooms. If there has been one lesson
learnt about innovating education, it is that teachers, schools and local administrators
should not just be involved in the implementation of educational change but they should
have a central role in its design. They need robust frameworks and sound knowledge
about what works if they are to be effective innovators and game changers. The OECD
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation has devoted considerable energy to
building such a knowledge base about innovative policy and practice over recent years.
This Handbook now translates that knowledge base into practical tools for teachers and
for leaders, whether in schools or at other levels of education systems. We hope it will
empower them to educate children for their future, not for our past. (...)».
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