sexta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2017
domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2017
DOS OUTROS | ÍNDIA | CONFERÊNCIA | «Accountancy Profession: Convergence and Sustainability in Digital Era»
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A conferência a que se refere a imagem teve lugar recentemente como se pode constatar. Ao vermos o programa não pudemos deixar de reparar nas matérias tratadas, algumas, a nosso ver, tão pouco refletidas no nosso País em ambiente «Contabilidade e Contabilistas». Por exemplo: «Technology Impact on Accounting»; «Integrated Reporting – Future of Reporting»;
«Taxation in the Disruptive Era – Challenges and Opportunities» ... Bom, mas basta olhar o mote global da Conferência:«Accountancy Profession:
Convergence and Sustainability in Digital Era». Em resumo, inspirador.
segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2017
«Fórum Permanente para as Competências Digitais»
Coimbra | Convento de São Francisco
Coimbra Cultura e Congressos - Património Municipal
6 de dezembro de 2017
das 10:00h às 18:30h
Coimbra Cultura e Congressos - Património Municipal
6 de dezembro de 2017
das 10:00h às 18:30h
sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2017
IFAC | «G20: Build Trust. Inspire Confidence»
Organizations and individuals must be empowered by strong governance in business and the public sector. Governments must promote coherent public policy and a consistent, transparent regulatory environment that inspires confidence while enabling progress. Professional accountants continue to play a crucial role enabling capital flows, economic activity, and higher standards of living.
The global accountancy profession calls to action G20 countries with specific, actionable recommendations and urges policy consensus backed up by tangible implementation and ongoing cooperation among G20 countries and across the globe».
The global accountancy profession calls to action G20 countries with specific, actionable recommendations and urges policy consensus backed up by tangible implementation and ongoing cooperation among G20 countries and across the globe».
terça-feira, 28 de novembro de 2017
«PM² is a Project Management Methodology»
«PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² is a light and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project. PM² has been custom developed to fit the specific needs, culture and constraints of EU Institutions, but also incorporates elements from globally accepted best practices, standards and methodologies. Open PM² is an initiative taken by the European Commission that brings... the PM² Methodology and its benefits closer to its broader stakeholders and user community. Open PM² provides open access to PM² to all European Union Institutions, EU Member States, contractors and the general public. The PM² Guide provides: A Project Governance Model (i.e. roles & responsibilities) ; A Project Lifecycle (i.e. project phases) ; A set of Processes (i.e. project management activities) ; A set of Project Artefacts (i.e. templates and guidelines) ; A set of Mindsets (i.e. effective beliefs and behaviours)».
domingo, 26 de novembro de 2017
«However, corporate accounting has been slow to adapt»
«In today’s world, businesses face a unique set of challenges, from climate change and resource constraints to urbanization and technological innovation. However, corporate accounting has been slow to adapt. As the language of business, accounting should capture meaningful information on the sustainability factors most relevant to a company’s management and its investors». Veja aqui.
sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2017
«Como forma de assinalar os 50 anos das inundações de novembro de 1967 e o apoio de muitos estudantes às vítimas o Instituto Superior Técnico associa-se à conferência promovida por antigos dirigentes associativos, no próximo dia 28 de novembro, às 10h30, no Salão Nobre do Técnico»
terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2017
domingo, 19 de novembro de 2017
sábado, 11 de novembro de 2017
Uau!|«Biblioteca Tianjin Binhai / MVRDV + Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute»
«A biblioteca foi encomendada pelo município de Tianjin Binhai e está localizada no centro cultural do distrito de Binhai, em Tianjin, uma metrópole costeira, na China. A biblioteca, situada ao lado de um parque, é um dos cinco edifícios culturais desenhados por um quadro internacional de arquitetos, incluindo Bernard Tschumi Architects, Bing Thom Architects, HH Design e MVRDV. Todos os edifícios estão conectados por um corredor público envolto por uma marquise de vidro projetada pelo GMP. Em meio ao plano diretor do GMP, o MVRDV recebeu um espaço rigoroso dentro do qual todo o projeto deveria estar concentrado».
quarta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2017
Sobre a iniciativa: «MIB Trieste School of Management, con il patrocinio di Generali, organizza un workshop innovativo sull’evoluzione futura del Corporate Reporting ed il ruolo dell’Integrated Reporting Framework»
Relatório Integrado
segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2017
«Shared services in the higher education sector / Together as one»
Um destaque:
«‘Transforming Public Services’, the report of the taskforce on the public sector, identifies shared services as a key element of public sector reform, offering potential benefits in relation to efficiency and economies of scale».
quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2017
quinta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2017
segunda-feira, 23 de outubro de 2017
«To meet today’s public policy challenges – continued fiscal pressures, rising public expectations, more complex public policy issues – there is a crucial need to increase the level of innovation in the public sector. There is a fundamental need to increase the level of innovation within the public sector of OECD countries and EU states if they are to meet the challenges of the 21st century, a need which has only been increased by the fiscal pressures placed on many states by the 2008-9 crisis. (...)». Continue a ler no BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT.
quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2017
sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2017
«Digital Skills»
Uma passagem (Pag. 3): «(...)Cyber-security and web/mobile development are the most important digital competencies today. “Big data” will top the list by 2018. Four out of ten (41%) respondents rank cyber-security and web/mobile development as the most important digital skills in their business today. Less importance is given to digital strategy (35%) and “smart products” (32%). However, this pecking order looks set to change, with 43% of executives believing that big data will be the top skillset in three years’ time. The shift towards big data was especially marked among manufacturing executives, as they try to excel in so-called Industry 4.0—the age of complex “cyber-physical” systems such as the Internet of Things and smart products. (...)».Um pequeno comentário: é interessante constatar que
as matérias focadas no excerto são tratadas em unidades curriculares do Ramo Gestão e Administração Pública do ISCAL devidamente inseridas (ou como enquadramento) nos sistemas de informação planeados e/ou praticados nas Administrações Públicas portuguesas. Naturalmente, não se formam especialistas nestes domínios mas pretendemos preparar «bons interlocutores», mesmo despoletadores de iniciativas e ações em função de realidades concretas.
Digital Skills
quinta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2017
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Apesar das significativas mudanças tecnológicas ocorridas nos últimos anos, a IDC prevê um ritmo de mudança ainda maior entre 2017 e 2020, à medida que cresce a “Economia DX”. Para o sucesso nesta nova economia digital será fundamental entender as novas regras económicas, os novos papéis que os líderes tecnológicos terão de assumir, e ainda o novo posicionamento e oferta que os fornecedores de tecnologia terão de imprimir. (...)».
Directions 2017
quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017
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Estonia es el primer país en ofrecer la residencia electrónica que consiste en proporcionar a cualquier persona en el mundo interesada en conformar una empresa online en el país, una identificación digital que le permitirá firmar digitalmente documentos y contratos, verificar la autenticidad de los documentos firmados, cifrar y transmitir documentos de forma segura, establecer una empresa en Estonia en línea, administrar la empresa desde cualquier lugar del mundo, declarar impuestos de Estonia en línea, entre otros. Pero no solo está disponible para extranjeros, los ciudadanos tienen el deber de adquirirla para interactuar con el estado». Tirado daqui.
segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2017
«THE FUTURE OF SKILLS /Employment in 2030»
Recent debates about the future of jobs have mainly focused on whether or not they are at risk of automation. Studies have generally minimized the potential effects of automation on job creation, and have tended to ignore other relevant trends, including globalisation, population aging, urbanisation, and the rise of the green economy.
In this study we used a novel and comprehensive mixed method approach to map out how employment is likely to change and the implications for skills. We show both what we can expect and where we should be uncertain; highlighting likely dynamics in different parts of the labour market — from sectors like food and health to manufacturing.
The study challenges the false alarmism that contributes to a culture of risk aversion and holds back technology adoption, innovation, and growth; this matters particularly to countries like the US and the UK, which already face structural productivity problems.
By identifying the bundles of skills, abilities, and knowledge that are most likely to be important in the future,
as well as the skills investments that will have the greatest impact on occupational demand, we provide information that educators, businesses, and governments can use for strategic and policy-making purposes to better prepare us for the future. (...)». Leia na integra.
as well as the skills investments that will have the greatest impact on occupational demand, we provide information that educators, businesses, and governments can use for strategic and policy-making purposes to better prepare us for the future. (...)». Leia na integra.
sexta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2017
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«Joinup is a collaborative platform created by the European Commission and funded by the European Union via the Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA2) Programme. It offers several services that aim to help e-Government professionals share their experience with each other. We also hope to support them to find, choose, re-use, develop and implement interoperability solutions».
domingo, 1 de outubro de 2017
«Are robots taking our jobs?»
«In recent years, there has been an explosion of research into the impacts of automation on work. This makes sense: artificial intelligence and robotics are encroaching on areas of human activity that were simply unimaginable a few years ago.
We ourselves have made contributions to this debate (here, here and here). In The Future of Skills, however, we argue that public dialogues that consider automation alone are dangerous and misleading.(...)». Continue a ler.
O Futuro do Trabalho
sábado, 23 de setembro de 2017
quinta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2017
«This is Nesta’s first report for DECODE (DEcentralised Citizen Owned Data Ecosystem), an EU funded project that will create tools that put individuals in control of whether they keep their personal data private or share it for the public good». Leia mais.
Dados pessoais,
terça-feira, 19 de setembro de 2017
segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2017
domingo, 17 de setembro de 2017
quarta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2017
domingo, 3 de setembro de 2017
segunda-feira, 28 de agosto de 2017
«Government at a Glance 2017»
«Government at a Glance 2017 provides the latest available data on public administrations in OECD countries. Where possible, it also reports data for Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, and South Africa. This edition contains new indicators on public sector emploympent, institutions, budgeting practices and procedures, regulatory governance, risk management and communication, open government data and public sector innovation. This edition also includes for the first time a number of scorecards comparing the level of access, responsiveness and quality of services in three key areas: health care, education and justice.
Each indicator in the publication is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of graphs and/or charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological section on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability. A database containing qualitative and quantitative indicators on government is available on line. It is updated twice a year as new data are released. The database, countries fact sheets and other online supplements can be found at».
Government at a Glance,
sexta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2017
«Fostering Innovation in the Public Sector»
«Public sector innovation does not happen by itself: problems need to be identified, and ideas translated into projects that can be tested, implemented and shared. To do so, public sector organisations must identify the processes and structures that can support and accelerate innovation. This report looks at how governments can create an environment that fosters innovation. It discusses the role of government management in inhibiting or enabling innovation, and the role that specific functions such as human resources management and budgeting can play. It suggests ways to support innovation – including by managing information, data and knowledge – as well as strategies for managing risk. Drawing on country approaches compiled and analysed by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, the report presents a framework for collecting and examining data on the ability of central government to foster public sector innovation».
«Fostering Innovation in the Public Sector»,
quinta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2017
«Accountants Can Save the Planet»
«This short book addresses the very important topic of how to save the planet, and it presents the ways in which progress on that goal is compatible with businesses creating value for themselves.
The book also highlights the importance of companies issuing financial reports not as financial statements, but as a method of reporting their value measurement and creation, using an integrated approach to include capitals beyond just the financial. Author Mervyn King also suggests that the most appropriate people to lead the charge are accountants, specifically Chief Financial Officers, who King says should be renamed Chief Value Officers». Saiba mais.
Accountants Can Save The Planet,
Chief Value Officer,
quarta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2017
«Democracy Reinvented»
«Democracy Reinvented is the first comprehensive academic treatment of participatory budgeting in the United States, situating it within a broader trend of civic technology and innovation. This global phenomenon, which has been called “revolutionary civics in action” by the New York Times, started in Brazil in 1989 but came to America only in 2009. Participatory budgeting empowers citizens to identify community needs, work with elected officials to craft budget proposals, and vote on how to spend public funds».
Orçamento Participativo
quinta-feira, 27 de julho de 2017
quarta-feira, 26 de julho de 2017
segunda-feira, 24 de julho de 2017
sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2017
quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2017
quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2017
LEONEL FADIGAS | «Território e Poder - o uso, as políticas e o ordenamento»
«O território é uma realidade geográfica e cultural definida como um espaço sobre o qual se exerce um qualquer tipo de poder e no qual se estabelecem redes que o formatam, consolidam e expandem.
O território, na sua natureza física e geográfica, é, também, um produto do tempo, dos conflitos, das lutas e das dinâmicas sociais e políticas que lhe foram dando dimensão e novas configurações, de acordo com o conhecimento, as regras de uso e as técnicas de aproveitamento e transformação dos materiais, o que faz com que seja o reflexo da sociedade que o define, formata, usa e domina, sendo, pois, uma efetiva expressão dos poderes que sobre ele se exercem e exerceram.
As relações de poder que o território exprime e nele se manifestam dão sentido à ideia de que o ordenamento e a gestão do território não são questões exclusivamente técnicas; são, em muito, questões políticas, no sentido mais puro do termo, e como tal nelas se devem fazer sentir, crescentemente, as vozes da cidadania.
Assim, este livro destina-se a todos os leitores a quem as questões do ordenamento interessam por razões profissionais ou porque delas depende a sua qualidade de vida: arquitetos, urbanistas, geógrafos, economistas, políticos e, sobretudo, cidadãos interessados em participar na construção de um território mais coeso, mais sustentável e onde a economia seja mais humana e mais social». Saiba mais.
O território, na sua natureza física e geográfica, é, também, um produto do tempo, dos conflitos, das lutas e das dinâmicas sociais e políticas que lhe foram dando dimensão e novas configurações, de acordo com o conhecimento, as regras de uso e as técnicas de aproveitamento e transformação dos materiais, o que faz com que seja o reflexo da sociedade que o define, formata, usa e domina, sendo, pois, uma efetiva expressão dos poderes que sobre ele se exercem e exerceram.
As relações de poder que o território exprime e nele se manifestam dão sentido à ideia de que o ordenamento e a gestão do território não são questões exclusivamente técnicas; são, em muito, questões políticas, no sentido mais puro do termo, e como tal nelas se devem fazer sentir, crescentemente, as vozes da cidadania.
Assim, este livro destina-se a todos os leitores a quem as questões do ordenamento interessam por razões profissionais ou porque delas depende a sua qualidade de vida: arquitetos, urbanistas, geógrafos, economistas, políticos e, sobretudo, cidadãos interessados em participar na construção de um território mais coeso, mais sustentável e onde a economia seja mais humana e mais social». Saiba mais.
´Território e Poder,
Leonel Fadigas,
sexta-feira, 16 de junho de 2017
quarta-feira, 14 de junho de 2017
«Solved! Better pupil discussion in the classroom»
It is now increasingly common practice for teachers to record themselves teaching as a way of reflecting upon their practice, but what about recording the pupils themselves? Our recent report showed how important it is that students do more collaborative problemsolving at school to get them ready for work. Yet despite strong evidence for its impact, it is rarely taught in schools. At Nesta we want to support collaborative problem-solving (CPS) practice in the classroom. Over the next year we’ll be supporting four pioneering innovators in the field to create new tools and test them with students. In 2016 we embarked on the first of these four experiments, a small-scale exploratory pilot with Harris Academy, Battersea. Our approach was simple and inexpensive, using dictaphones to produce transcripts in order to examine their effectiveness as a tool for developing pupils’ problem-solving discussions. We worked both UK Transcription and AI Media who were able to turn around recordings in just a few days and The University of Melbourne for help with coding them. (...)».
Ensino e aprendizagem,
quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2017
sexta-feira, 2 de junho de 2017
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