segunda-feira, 22 de setembro de 2014


Ao procurar o conteudo do Public Management ReviewVolume 16, Issue 7, 2014    detive-me no artigo «How Not to Kill the Golden Goose: Reconceptualizing accountability environments of third-sector organizations». O resumo:


For third-sector organizations (TSOs) that deliver publicly funded health and community services, accountability practices are predominantly shaped by the imperatives of government funders. However, the ensuing public management accountability regimes can undermine TSO responsiveness to communities, align poorly with imperatives of professional staff, create high transaction costs and threaten TSO sustainability. Public management literature lacks an adequate framework for conceptualizing TSO accountability. We outline a conceptual framework – the ‘triskele’ – for analysing accountability tensions experienced by TSOs that could assist funders and other stakeholders with the difficult task of designing more workable and meaningful accountability regimes for all stakeholders.

Pretexto para sublinhar: ter as organizações sem find lucrativos, para além das que integram as Administrações Públicas,  como assunto prioritário em termos de ensino e aprendizagem. Saiba mais.

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