quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2016

«Opportunities and impact of new modes of teaching»

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«Over the past years, universities have intensified a deeper transformation of teaching and learning in higher education, based on e-learning and online education. New modes of teaching and learning create new opportunities for enhancing the quality of the learning experience for on campus students, for reaching out to new target groups off campus and for offering freely accessible open education through the internet (OERs, MOOCs). They support the quality, visibility and reputation of the institution.
Higher education can meet these challenges if the systems are resilient enough. Therefore, higher education should be modernised, making use of new technologies.Through new modes of teaching and learning the three complementary  areas in higher education are made adaptive to meet the challenges described: (1) blended and online degree education will allow higher quality degree education for larger student groups, who will even belong to smaller communities and enjoy intensive education, linked to research and innovation; (2) flexible continuous education and continuous professional development online, including new types of short learning programmes, will prepare students for innovation and entrepreneurship in business; and (3) online open education through OERs and MOOCs will enrich citizens in order to participate better to society at large».

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