quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012


Não dá para não partilhar a existência do livro da imagem,  assim apresentado: «A fascinating exploration of how a simple system used to measure and record wealth spawned a cultural revolution. Prepare to have your idea of accounting changed forever.


'The rise and metamorphosis of double-entry bookkeeping is one of history's best-kept secrets and most important untold tales ... Through its logic we have let the planet go to ruin-and through its logic we now have a chance to avert that ruin.'
Our world is governed by the numbers generated by the accounts of nations and corporations. We depend on these numbers to direct our governments, organisations, economies, societies. But where did they come from-and how did they become so powerful? (...)». Continue aqui. 
Como somos compelidos a chamar a atenção dos nossos leitores, por natureza comunidade interessada nestas matérias, para o post  « A foundation for capitalism - The origins of accounting -Sep 12th 2012, 16:39 by The Economist online» que consiste num vídeo que é introduzido desta forma: JANE GLEESON-WHITE, author of a new book about the genesis of double-entry book-keeping, discusses the little known roots of the practice in Renaissance Venice. Veja por si.

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